Can Childbirth Be So Violent That You Cannot Conceive Again

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Experiences of and responses to disrespectful motherhood care and abuse during childbirth; a qualitative report with women and men in Morogoro Region, Tanzania

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Interventions to reduce maternal mortality take focused on delivery in facilities, yet in many depression-resource settings rates of facility-based birth have remained persistently low. In Tanzania, rates of facility delivery have remained static for more than 20 years. With an aim to accelerate research and inform policy changes, this paper builds on a growing body of piece of work that explores dimensions of and responses to disrespectful maternity intendance and abuse during childbirth in facilities across Morogoro Region, Tanzania.


This inquiry drew on in-depth interviews with 112 respondents including women who delivered in the preceding xiv months, their male person partners, public opinion leaders and community health workers to empathize experiences with and responses to abuse during childbirth. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, translated and coded using Atlas.ti. Analysis drew on the principles of Grounded Theory.


When initially describing birth experiences, women portrayed encounters with providers in a neutral or satisfactory light. Upon probing, women recounted events or circumstances that are described as calumniating in maternal wellness literature: feeling ignored or neglected; monetary demands or discriminatory handling; verbal abuse; and in rare instances concrete corruption. Findings were consistent beyond respondent groups and districts. As a response to abuse, women described acquiescence or non-confrontational strategies: resigning oneself to abuse, returning home, or bypassing sure facilities or providers. Male respondents described more assertive approaches: requesting meliorate care, paying a bribe, lodging a complaint and one time assaulting a provider.


Many Tanzanian women included in this written report experienced unfavorable conditions when delivering in facilities. Providers, women and their families must be made aware of women's rights to respectful care. Recommendations for further research include investigations of the prevalence and dimensions of disrespectful care and abuse, on mechanisms for women and their families to finer written report and redress such events and on interventions that could mitigate fail or isolation among delivering women. Respectful care is a disquisitional component to better maternal wellness.

Peer Review reports


Pregnancy and childbirth continues to place women at risk of significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Globally, in 2010, of 287,000 maternal deaths, 162,000 occurred in sub-Saharan Africa [1]. For every woman who dies of pregnancy-related causes, xx to 30 others experience acute or chronic morbidity [two, iii]. Efforts to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality emphasize facility-based childbirth and skilled attendance at nativity with timely referral for emergency obstetric care if complications occur [4]. This priority is echoed in Millennium Development Goal 5 to amend maternal health, which measures success by tracking the proportion of births conducted with a skilled bellboy [5].

Despite decades of efforts to encourage facility births, many women continue to deliver at home. Investigation regarding the barriers that women face up in accessing and receiving quality intendance has long been on the enquiry calendar and emphasized delays particularly related to toll and distance [6, 7]. A more than recent emphasis has centered on quality of intendance and, more than specifically, women'south feel of disrespectful care and abuse related directly to provider actions [viii–10].

As a concept, boldness or abuse toward patients in wellness facilities has proven multidimensional and challenging to ascertain. Like to concepts such as quality of intendance or patient satisfaction, the meaning of abuse is subject field to variation based on setting, fourth dimension, nascency upshot and personal expectations or opinions. As recently equally 10 years ago, nearly no literature addressed the topic [eleven]; and abuse during childbirth was described as an "emerging problem" [9]. Since and then the topic has garnered broader attention with studies in Southward Africa [12], Ghana [13, 14], Malawi [fifteen], Nicaragua [16], Republic of guatemala [17] and Kingdom of denmark [18].

In Tanzania, several studies highlight the importance of quality of care during childbirth [19–25], however the experience of abuse, its manifestations and responses to it in non-complicated births has been less explored. An anthropological written report by Spangler on embodied inequality – or how social and material status unevenly affects the procedure of seeking and receiving obstetric intendance – described how poorer Tanzanian women were more than likely to evangelize lonely or with minimal back up, to be scolded, berated or discriminated against, and to exist subjected to unpredictable fees [25]. In example studies presented in the written report, women paid bribes or moved to the flooring during delivery [25].

The relevance of health provider abuse inside the spheres of maternal wellness and human being rights is crystallized in the 2011 Universal Rights of Childbearing Women [26], which states:

"Because maternity is specific to women, issues of gender equity and gender violence are too at the cadre of maternity care. Thus, the notion of rubber motherhood must be expanded beyond the prevention of morbidity or mortality to encompass respect for women's bones human being rights, including respect for women'southward autonomy, dignity, feelings, choices, and preferences, including choice of companionship wherever possible."

Proposed domains of abuse have been highlighted in ii seminal manufactures. D'Oliveira's work divides violence or corruption in health care into four dimensions: fail; verbal violence, including rough treatment, threats, scolding, shouting, and intentional humiliation; physical violence, including denial of hurting-relief when technically indicated; and sexual violence [9]. Bowser'southward review outlines a similar framework that includes: physical abuse, non-consented clinical intendance, non-confidential intendance, not-dignified care (including verbal abuse), discrimination of patients, abandonment of care, and detention in facilities [8].

Building on existing frameworks and literature, this report explores how rural Tanzanian women and their male partners depict boldness and corruption experienced during childbirth in facilities and how they reply to abuse in the short or long-term.


Study setting

In Tanzania, the maternal mortality ratio is 454 deaths for 100,000 live births. One in 38 women have a lifetime gamble of death due to maternal causes [27] and for every 1,000 births, 4–v women die from pregnancy-related causes [28]. Nationwide, 50.two% of births are facility-based and 50.6% of all births are in the presence of a skilled bellboy [28]. Since the early 1990s, the national rate of facility-based nascency has remained below 52.6% [28, 29]. In rural areas, less than one-half of births are facility-based (41.ix%) and 42.iii% of all rural births are in the presence of a skilled attendant [28].

This study was based in 16 villages across 4 districts of Morogoro Region, in eastern Tanzania. Compared to national averages, slightly more than women in the region deliver in a facility (58%) and more than births are attended by a skilled provider (60.6%) [28]. Throughout the country'due south Eastern Zone, which encompasses the region, hospitals and wellness centers are ill equipped to provide basic or comprehensive emergency obstetric care (EmOC). Basic EmOC is available in 11% of facilities and comprehensive EmOC is available in x% of facilities [30].

In terms of personnel, facilities in Morogoro Region are understaffed, which reflects national trends. The Region'south density of doctors (0.2), assistant medical officers (0.3) and clinical officers (2.1) per 10,000 people attests to severe human resource limitations [30]. Less than half of all facilities in the Zone (47%) have at least 2 qualified providers assigned to a facility to back up basic emergency services 24-hours [30]. Supportive direction practices, which are critical for supporting quality care, are too limited. While many facilities in the Eastern Zone receive an external supervisory visit (79%), 34% of facilities provide routine staff training and merely 25% of facilities provide "supportive management practices" (an external supervisory visit, routine training and personal supervision) [thirty].

Study design

This qualitative, cantankerous-exclusive study employed in-depth interviews (IDIs) with women, their male partners, community health workers (CHWs) and community leaders. At eight health centers across four districts, wellness eye staff were asked to identify one village with difficult admission to the wellness center, yet within the center's catchment area. The data collection squad then presented the study to leaders in both the village encompassing the health middle and the hamlet described every bit having difficult admission. In Tanzania, the long-standing policy has been for every village to have a village health committee, which appoints two CHWs. Leaders interviewed included religious leaders, also as members of an elected village board and/or village wellness committee who identified CHWs. Leaders and CHWs were interviewed irrespective of gender, historic period, education level, or length of service. Leaders equally well as CHWs helped identify women in the hamlet who had delivered in the preceding xiv months. In addition, data collectors canvassed the village and invited eligible mothers and fathers to participate. For a breakdown of respondent groups by distance to facility and district, see Table 1.

Women and their partners were eligible if they had delivered a babe within the preceding xiv months regardless of reports on quality of care, or experiences of disrespectful intendance. An emphasis was placed on identifying women who had non-complicated, normal deliveries. Women who reported astringent vaginal bleeding, eclampsia, obstructed labor, retentiveness of placenta, astringent anemia or whose births required vacuum or forceps extraction, or cesarean section were non included with the rationale that such births alter not only careseeking behaviors (often necessitating referrals) simply as well entail a vastly different subjective sense of the birth experience. For word on how a birth experience alters subsequently assessment of quality of care (described equally "fulfillment theory"), see Bramadat [31]. All women providing consent were interviewed, until 2–4 women had been interviewed for that site.

Table one Respondent groups by distance to facility and district

Total size tabular array

Information drove

V Tanzanian research assistants fluent in Swahili with graduate-level training in educational activity, public wellness, and social sciences were trained for five days to collect the data using instruments, which were pre-tested and revised earlier starting interviews. Training topics included maternal and newborn health, interview techniques, research ideals and qualitative methods. IDIs were recorded and conducted one-on-ane, in a private place of the respondent'southward choosing following verbal consent. IDIs focused on experiences related to care seeking during a about-recent pregnancy and birth. At the outset of data collection, the inquiry team did not intend to explicitly investigate experiences of abuse, but rather to explore careseeking for birth in facilities. The abuse theme emerged in the earliest interviews, notwithstanding, and was probed more than explicitly as information collection progressed. A supervisor conducted daily debriefing sessions with data collectors to discuss and triangulate cardinal findings, refine lines of inquiry, and identify saturation of themes. A main product of these debriefings were memos, outset generated as a version of coming together notes from debriefings and later amplified by the data collection supervisor to contain reflexive notes, contextual information and emerging understandings that could exist shared and commented upon past the wider research team. Information collection lasted approximately 2 months during July and August 2011.

Data assay

In-country debriefings with national stakeholders following the shut of data collection corroborated and refined the framework for thematic analysis. All interviews were recorded and transcribed into Swahili. An initial stage of open, inductive coding on a choice of rich, diverse and representative transcripts was conducted based in part on Grounded Theory [32]. This resulted in the cosmos of a codebook that was validated by co-authors. A co-author fluent in Swahili and English applied these wide codes to remaining transcripts using ATLAS.ti [33]. Coded data were then translated from Swahili to English and a 2d phase of detailed coding was undertaken by a social scientist. During the analysis process, a subset of co-authors discussed codes and themes, and drew comparisons across respondent groups and regions, and past altitude to facility. This aided in triangulation of findings and provided texture and dash to descriptions. Drawing on the principles of Grounded Theory, a literature review followed the completion of coding [32].

The written report received upstanding approving from the Muhimbili Academy of Health and Allied Sciences and Johns Hopkins Schoolhouse of Public Health Institutional Review Boards. Names used in this paper are pseudonyms to protect the privacy of interviewees.


At the showtime of interviews, respondents beyond categories described facilities and providers in a positive light, with several women saying "nilihudumiwa vizuri" (I was attended well). Nearly all women, their partners, community leaders and community health workers (CHWs) living both nearly and far from facilities refer to providers as "experts" who "possess didactics", and who know how to utilise "existent medicine". Following rapport edifice, and upon probing for details of the delivery experience, respondents would typically qualify before assessments and elaborate on negative aspects of services related to childbirth. In other words, if an interviewer asked a woman if she felt she was mistreated during her delivery, she was likely to say no, merely she may subsequently provide a brilliant business relationship of a provider shouting at her. Linguistic communication proved especially disquisitional in terms of probing on this topic. The Swahili word for "to corruption" is "kunyanyaswa", just no woman said kunyanyaswa when describing her experience. Instead, women described how providers lacked valued qualities such equally "kunyenyekea" (to act humbly), "kubembeleza" (to soothe) or "ukarimu" (hospitality). Negative experiences were categorized every bit 'abuse' and 'disrespect' in the analysis past the researchers. Findings did not vary past distance to facility.

Presented in Table 2 are types of harsh or abusive treatment outlined by respondent groups and bundled into categories equally informed by existing frameworks of Bowser [8] and d'Oliveira [9]: feeling ignored or neglected; monetary demands or discriminatory handling; verbal abuse; and concrete corruption. Examples of resource constraints at the facility-level (including an absenteeism of nascency supplies, which was mentioned by all respondent groups), and infrastructure limitations (an absenteeism of electricity or sterilization equipment, emphasized by fathers merely) are well documented [thirty] and will not exist elaborated in this newspaper. Following details on types of abuse, we present responses to corruption every bit described past women and their partners, categorized on a scale from amenable to assertive measures.

Table 2 Types of harsh or calumniating behavior preceding, during or later on childbirth equally defined past mothers, fathers, CHWs and leaders

Full size table

Table iii Responses to disrespectful care every bit reported past mothers and fathers

Full size table

Types of abuse

The most common negative experience described beyond respondents entailed feeling ignored or neglected. Verbal abuse was too mutual, but appeared to be less disconcerting among respondents. Physical corruption was rarely mentioned, was discussed past women just and was identified equally insufficiently probed during data analysis. In one example, a woman recalled beingness forced to deliver in an uncomfortable position. In two other instances, women described fears of being slapped during delivery based on reports from others in their communities. Finally, respondents across categories described monetary demands and discriminatory handling toward those lacking money, which appeared to upset women and their partners equally. For a comprehensive presentation of types of abuse outlined across respondent groups, see Table ii.

Feeling ignored or neglected

Several women described fear of arriving at a facility and being ignored or delivering without the assistance of the provider. In instances of night deliveries, some providers were described every bit existence at home on the hospital premises, merely unwilling or unable to come out to help.

A woman recalled how a group of providers were in her immediate vicinity but unavailable to her until the moment she yelled that the baby "was coming out". In this instance, a nurse arrived, just non in time to put on gloves.

I was calling 'Nurse, Nurse!' she reached there and … the baby came out and she ran to grab her. Later communicable her she held her and then found gloves to wear before continuing with other services. What I see is that providers should be very shut (in proximity) to mothers. A laboring mother can deliver at whatever time.

- Woman, Kilosa District

A majority of women, but none of their partners, rationalized why over-worked providers were unable to provide ideal care. A woman in Ulanga delivered alone (in the absence of whatsoever provider or family fellow member), but rather than feeling frustrated or angry, she sympathized with nurses' difficult working conditions.

The nurse doesn't allow anyone to enter inside the room. She is ordinarily solitary or maybe with another nurse. I never saw any help (during delivery). Yous must prepare yourself and just go [Laughing] … you tin't blame anyone. That nurse'southward condition is hard… My sis-in-law escorted me but could not be in and could not assistance me. She could just sit down and see me how I'm getting into problem (Laughing). Beyond that, what could she exercise? She could only hear me screaming and crying "Aiiii!!?! Mama assist me!" It was… impossible.

- Adult female, Ulanga District

CHWs described listening to women recount neglect during delivery and how the experience of fail undermines their ability to encourage facility-based deliveries.

There is one female parent who I have spoken with quite often. At the hospital, she says she delivered past herself. She says she called the nurse to come, but the nurse said, "Don't disturb me so much." So the female parent stayed and delivered by herself. … that mother volition not become back to the hospital next time.

- CHW, Mvomero District

I advise women that they should deliver at the hospital considering if yous deliver at home, a baby can become infections. But women evangelize at home anyhow. At our hospital, with so few nurses, women don't desire to reach a facility and and so first searching for nurses. So a mother decides to just stay home and phone call the TBA.

- CHW, Ulanga Commune

CHWs and religious leaders expanded on the theme of being ignored and elaborated on versions of verbal abuse. While a CHW used the term "wanaharasiwa", – forcing an English language verb "to harass" into Swahili - this term did non emerge in interviews with women. This CHW described how neglect in facilities reinforces women's desires to deliver at home.

When the community goes to the centre, to go and deliver there, they may find that in that location is no nurse. The family unit tin go to the nurse's home and say, "We have brought a laboring woman" only the nurse volition delay. She stays in her home until it reaches a very tardily stage and by the fourth dimension the nurse comes, that woman has delivered by herself. …Mothers and fathers have complained a lot to us, … They say when they go to the wellness center they are harassed (wanaharasiwa) …. And so then when they are only shouting at the pregnant mother … Women say, 'It's better if I simply go to the TBA. Even if it's non safe.'

- CHW, Mvomero Commune

Families devise solutions to fence with being ignored during delivery – namely shifting oneself from a bed to the floor to forbid a infant from "falling down to the ground", or sending escorts to find a TBA living most a facility to assistance with commitment. No respondent described bringing a relative into the labor room and one woman described that option as a violation of infirmary policy.

Discriminatory handling, unpredictable fiscal charges and fearfulness of detention

Women and men described situations where they were expected to bring supplies to facilities for delivery and, less often, situations where they pay a "give thanks you" to providers following a delivery or pay a fine for home commitment. A few respondents across districts and particularly in more remote areas described how certain women could more easily access supplies or services at facilities. These women had a higher social condition, knew someone working within the facility or were somehow, for unknown reasons, favored by providers. Women described how nurses could decide - "upon seeing a woman coming to the facility" - whether they would provide prompt services to her. One woman said she was asked whether she had money, and upon answering 'no' she was instructed to sit outside where she watched "the women with money" walk by her to receive services (it is unclear in the transcript if this was an antenatal visit or for childbirth). Some other woman described how her sister-in-constabulary was told by providers to pay 15,000 shillings (approximately $9 USD) after a complicated delivery just once at the cashier she was told to pay 40,000 shillings (approximately $25 USD) (it is unclear if this occurred at a public or private facility). That experience invoked confusion and frustration in the adult female who feared that she may one day feel a similar situation and be forbidden to go out the facility until she had paid (a practise described past 2 women). The awarding of fines and fees was recounted for both maternity and other health facility services.

They are very often maxim that medicines are available or not available. When someone tells yous they aren't, information technology's her siri (secret). She is the but one who knows. She decides when she sees you coming. … This really upsets the states…. The obstacles are like these ones of medicines even if there are no medicines what makes me feel bad is the game.

- Woman, Morogoro Rural District

One religious leader described how young women, first-time mothers and those coming from remote or rural areas are peculiarly prone to discriminatory treatment.

I have myself heard many examples peculiarly for the showtime mothers who are on their showtime pregnancy. It is frightening for them to exist lone. I hear people say, "If you have her to the hospital, no 1 volition attend her considering we are rural, and then nurses don't need to wait on us-- we should be waiting on them. The nurses think information technology is fine to say to united states 'I experience like sleeping' or to work however they want to piece of work."

- Religious leader, Morogoro Rural District

Male partners, more than so than women, complained about collusion betwixt providers and pharmacists, and complained near supplies being unavailable at facilities, but available in a provider's home or at a provider-owned pharmacy. While this was described as inappropriate and unfair, a cistron that made it particularly problematic was that men could non be sure how much a syringe or a drip would cost from one day to the next and whether a provider would be compelled to charge a "nice price" or a "high price". Men lamented their struggle to provide funds to embrace delivery costs.

The obstacles I face are and so big. I have children and they accept a mother. The thing that makes us weep and so hard is that there is handling but without coin you can't get information technology. Information technology is a big problem, the money.

- Male Partner, Morogoro Rural Commune

Verbal abuse

Verbal corruption took the grade of criticism levied against women. It entailed outright shouting or harsh remarks. Similar to the preferential treatment domain, verbal corruption was discriminatory in nature. Women who were not following the "rules" or were not presenting themselves as "modern women" were more likely to be berated. While some women reported being scolded for not pushing hard enough, making besides many demands during labor or arriving too tardily or besides early on for delivery, more common criticisms included critiques of a adult female's economic status (such equally wearing former or dingy clothes), critiques of her use of traditional remedies (such every bit drinking herbal teas and medicines, some of which cause uterine contractions) or her history of home delivery.

A woman was yelled at, during her delivery, for having likewise many children.

The nurse gets aroused. She tells you, 'You accept already delivered many children. This is enough! Await at the others who have delivered simply twice or thrice and stopped!' You will (be in the heart of labor) and hear the nurse saying 'Come up and stop having children!'

- Woman, Ulanga District

Several women were either scolded or witnessed scolding of others for engaging in practices such equally visiting a TBA or consuming herbal medicines. Being interviewed virtually the nature of one's reliance on traditional ways is part of an admission procedure at one facility where women reported being first ignored and then harangued until they would "acknowledge" to a practice. Consumption of teas with uterotonic properties is disconcerting for providers (likely due to the possibility of precipitous labor and more difficult management of labor); nonetheless women participants perceived comments about their tea consumption as a criticism of their status or home situation.

When you attain at that place they have the habit of request what local medicines have you used or… there is i sister … she arrived they started asking her, 'Have you ever used local medicines?' and she replied 'No.' Simply then they simply left her there. She tried to follow afterwards them… They went again at her 'Haven't you ever drunk local medicines?'. She said, 'Speaking the truth I drank two cups.' They said, 'So you like hurting yourselves, but then you come up here y'all give u.s.a. trouble.'

- Woman, Mvomero District

Several women interpreted existence yelled at as a sign that they were disliked. In this case, a woman felt disliked due to her depression economical status.

I don't know why are they shouting. They but shout at u.s. … they don't like us. Like with our dress! …. They give you a bad face. They take a await at y'all and when your clothes are like this and this they hunt you abroad. Yeah, they say, 'Y'all are supposed to have special clothes for pregnancy!'

- Woman, Mvomero Commune

Women who delivered at home almost uniformly reported expecting to be yelled at or somehow scolded upon presenting their newborn at a facility. In some cases, they also expected to exist charged to receive their baby's registration card or denied a carte birthday. Ane woman described being treated like a "bad child" for delivering at home.

Physical abuse

Physical abuse was scarcely mentioned and entailed a fear of corruption rather than enacted violence. One adult female described fearing that she would get striking or browbeaten during labor if she yelled also much or "talked back" to a provider. She reported witnessing this behavior amid others, just did not feel it herself. Another woman described existence told she had to deliver while lying down with her knees pulled "up", which she found uncomfortable and frightening. One woman described a nurse refusing to remove her drip because she had made a "special case" of herself. Like to other dimensions of abuse, in the example of a woman wanting to deliver in a continuing position, she was berated for not adjusting her preferences to a "modern" mold. Another adult female who was scolded for requesting that her drip be removed, felt certain that "if I was staying with influential people in a place well-nigh the facility" the nurses would not have felt emboldened to deny services.

Responses to abuse

Reponses to corruption stretched across a continuum from acquiescent to assertive measures (run across Table 3). Women were more than likely than men to describe how they empathized with over-worked providers. Several women described how they watched exasperated nurses rush from ward to ward.

I am not angry… Because you can see that 1 nurse, she is at the parent'due south ward, and then at the children's ward, so at the men's ward. She may exist giving injections from 11 in the morn to 11 at night…. (from) the labor ward, yous can run across that the nurse has more (people needing) injections waiting for her.

- Adult female, Ulanga Commune

Acquiescent or non-confrontational measures to address abuse during childbirth included: resigning oneself to the experience, returning home, rejecting facilities altogether, or bypassing 'bad' facilities or 'bad' providers. Among these measures, the preferred option described by women and men was to refuse facilities in favor of abode birth. Men and women alike described doing nothing or circumventing bad facilities.

Assertive or confrontational measures to address abuse during childbirth included: finding a TBA to assistance in a facility delivery, paying a bribe, confronting a provider, reporting an event to an oversight commission or physically assaulting a provider. While women living in remote areas described finding a TBA to help in a delivery, but men described the remaining active measures to address abuse.

Resigning oneself to the experience

When probed on reasons for not against or addressing abuse, respondents reported fear of retaliation during later visits coupled with uncertainty virtually what precisely to practice to effectively address abuse. One male partner described an inability to complain.

Y'all cannot complain, you need to say cheers. Because they requite united states of america drugs, so we can't mutter. And we don't know who would be accountable to rescue us.

- Male partner, Ulanga District

A fear of repercussions, in particular futurity denial of care or services were particularly powerful forces working confronting women's desires to speak out against abuse.

There is no place you tin go, yous must keep quiet. … They can hurt you… The routine is ready. …. I'chiliad afraid that if I say anything to anyone, I could get reported or not get treatments.

- Woman, Mvomero District

Women too feared that complaints to college levels of government may lead to facility closures, which would further undercut their access to care.

Some people are saying that if we find the situation is like this, we should make a call to our councillor and get to our regional offices and tell them nosotros are oppressed. But we see a concern if nosotros do this. … what if they close our hospital?

- Woman, Morogoro Rural District

Delivering at home or bypassing

TBAs were described as having a calming presence during a birth or "removing the fear" of giving nascency in spite of what several respondents described as TBAs' "lack of real medicine". Going to a TBA's home or delivering in one'southward own habitation in the presence of a TBA was mentioned by women and their male person partners – regardless of distance to a facility – as a means to avoid unpleasant experiences at facilities.

When the TBA is in that location y'all can't be afraid.

- Woman, Mvomero Commune

In terms of bypassing within a facility, women described a need to be careful in how they frame a preference for a particular provider over another. Some women said that if they encounter a certain provider offer services, they return home. Others endeavour to avert heart contact when a disliked provider calls their name. Withal, this female parent said that while she has a distinct preference for one provider, she is non able to avert the provider's disliked colleague.

It's amend you get attended by a certain person. But you tin't reach at that place and say, 'I don't similar y'all. I would like you instead to attend me.' That I can't say. Just I know it's better when I go to this other person. She is much more polite.

- Adult female, Morogoro Rural District

Payments, lodging a complaint, assaulting a provider

Only men described paying bribes or fees. A few men considered bribes a necessary process in order to "be seen" by providers.

If you don't have coin, they look at you as if you are non there. They leave you like that. And then we gear up. Every bit you lot know information technology's simply about money so nosotros prepare and then become.

- Male person partner, Ulanga Commune

While reporting abusive behavior was seen by women and men equally an "official" path, it was also deemed largely impractical (given a potential backlash) or ineffective (equally it would likely remain ignored). Withal, in one village, community leaders described how a problematic provider was transferred from her post following a serial of complaints lodged on behalf of the community via a village health committee.

The most extreme response to abuse was described by i male partner, who witnessed a human being attacking a provider for insisting on a ransom before treating his laboring wife.

That md was beaten by one human being. He said to the doctor, "I do not have that money. But she needs those services". The md said, "Go become some coin." He went home and plant some money. And so he gave the doc the money. When that dr. took his money, the man merely … hit him. He beat him hard. That human being said to the doctor, "It is your task to be our doctor. Not to have bribes." And then he just started beating. On the cervix. On the face up. He was beating him. … This was a beating from our community. People are tired of this. Investigators came after the beating and the physician was transferred. Afterwards that beating the services got improve… that doctor left and a lot of the issues with bribing left, too.

- Male partner, Morogoro Rural District


This study explored, in item, across a wide range of respondents, how women and their families feel and respond to abuse during childbirth in rural Tanzanian health facilities. We found that all respondent groups regardless of gender, distance to facility or district reported negative experiences that align with existing classifications of abuse or disrespectful care [8, 9, 26]. The domains of abuse described in our newspaper align with several domains outlined by Bowser including: not-dignified intendance (including verbal abuse), discrimination, abandonment of care and detention in facilities. Bowser'due south categories of physical abuse, non-consented intendance, not-confidential care and outright physical violence did non emerge as strongly in this report. Our study besides found that corruption can be ambiguous, difficult for respondents to articulate and subject to "personal yardsticks" or pre-conceived expectations [31]. Many respondents in this study report satisfaction with facility-based childbirth while at the aforementioned time describe being discriminated against, ignored or verbally driveling. This paradoxical finding is echoed in quality of intendance literature, which highlights that satisfaction (as a feeling or touch) does non necessarily align with perception (a knowledge), and that patients whose expectations barely extend beyond a provider's physical attendance at birth can often assess a low quality experience as satisfactory [31].

This study draws together and is corroborated by several studies in Tanzania that describe poor quality of care, and to a lesser extent corruption, as factors guiding delivery preference. Kruk'southward discrete choice experiment found that a provider's attitude and the availability of drugs were the nigh important characteristics influencing choice of a facility delivery and that improving these characteristics would lead to a 43-88% increase in facility delivery [xx]. Mrisho's research found that staff attitudes including abusive language, deprival of service, and an absence of compassion represent one among many barriers to facility-based intendance, which drives women to evangelize at home [22]. Several studies, in item the work of Spangler, take highlighted how women recognize and internalize feelings of discrimination considering they are under-dressed, rural, cannot afford a bribe or lack political or social influence [21, 25, 34]. Reports of beingness charged fees (also called "nether-the-table", or "asante" (cheers) charges) fifty-fifty in facilities that are officially exempt from payment, has likewise been detailed [25, 34, 35]. Existence charged fines for home deliveries has been instituted as an unofficial practice in some communities equally a ways to hogtie facility commitment, still no respondent was aware of such by-laws and instead view fines as a grade of bigotry. About recently, Mselle'southward qualitative study in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma regions found that poor quality care and poor working environments contributed to "bad birth experiences" which "undermine the reputation of the wellness care system, lower community expectations of facility nativity, and sustain high rates of habitation deliveries" [23]. While each study has described an attribute or component of disrespect, Mselle was amongst the first to explicitly examine abuse and its dimensions in this context. That study, however, drew on information from women with negative birth outcomes (obstetric fistula). Negative outcomes portend over-reporting of negative experiences (also termed "fulfillment theory" [31]), which highlights a demand for data that draws on experiences in not-complicated, healthy, vaginal deliveries.

Responses to abuse highlighted in this report range from acquiescent to assertive measures. Women tend to study preferring non-confrontational approaches and expressed empathy toward over-worked providers. Men may not have reported such empathy equally they spend relatively little fourth dimension in health facilities. Our findings stand for with other articles that emphasize that a woman'southward or family's "delay" in seeking intendance in facilities is non e'er an oversight borne of lack of knowledge or educational activity, merely an active decision fabricated by her and in cooperation with others in her community based on previous feel and an effort to accept a course of action deemed to be in the all-time involvement of her and her baby [36].

Our findings, when placed inside the context of existing literature, illustrate a cyclical nature of corruption (see Figure one) - how corruption becomes normalized and expected, how its beingness undermines patients' views of facilities and providers and how these negative attitudes weaken efforts to encourage careseeking in facilities for birth. Every bit described in leading abuse literature and frameworks [9, 11] providers may engage in disrespectful intendance because they learned or observed this during pre-service preparation, because they are faced with severe human resource or supply limitations (and are contending with resultant poor motivation) or because they take "internalised dominant cultural values and beliefs regarding gender and gender-based violence" [37]. Clients, including many respondents in this study, then perceive facilities equally harsh environments and either reject them altogether or attempt to minimize engagement with the formal health system by delivering at habitation, departing late for facilities, or leaving facilities very early after delivery.

Effigy 1
figure 1

Pathways from disrespectful intendance to dangerous commitment practices.

Full size image

Using Figure 1 every bit a guide, nosotros prioritize interventions that accost the normalized nature of abuse. Providers, women and their families must exist fabricated aware of women's rights to respectful care. Existing documents including a Code Of Professional Conduct For Nurses And Midwives In Tanzania outline principles of dignity, respect, consent, professionalism, accountability and honesty [38]. For providers, we view participatory trainings (that ideally describe from carefully crafted professional codes) as opportunities to reflect on biases and to work together to resolve existing bug. Trainings must be supported by direction and other levels of the health system in gild to be effective in enacting a cypher tolerance policy toward abuse [39]. For women and their husbands, we found that limitations related to reporting concerns in a private, safety and constructive manner fostered a sense that providers were beyond redress [40–42]. Research on how to improve respectful care, responsiveness and accountability is warranted.

At the facility level, efforts to amend the working environment of providers must exist made in terms of general infrastructure improvements, addressing human resource shortages and remedying deficiencies in supervision and skills training [43]. Providers oft desire to provide quality intendance, but lack the resources to brand this possible [43]. A key finding from this study revealed that women feel neglected or ignored during nascency. Facilities need to revisit the inclusion of family members or birth companions during labor or delivery. Equally labor wards are open, one reason companions are currently excluded relates to privacy considerations for other laboring women. Withal, Shimpuku'south qualitative written report concluded that in the midst of crowded facilities staffed by overworked nurses, families play a critical part in advocating for "invisible" laboring women [24]. Respondents in this study discussed how escorts and companions assist women and advocate for them as providers are often absent. If it is possible for families to be with women, while maintaining privacy and respect for others, nosotros view this equally a critical opportunity to minimize women's fear and enhance their comfort. Promoting nascency companions is non without challenges and further studies on how to do this in a manner that is feasible, acceptable and appropriate are necessary [44].

Limitations and opportunities for future enquiry

Due to the nature of qualitative research, abuse was not evenly probed in each interview. This limited our ability to systematically assess the relative importance or value that hubby-wife pairs identify on a particular aspect of abuse. Second, this study relied on reported experiences rather than direct observation. Third, this study captured insights from women who, in some cases, delivered several months earlier and may therefore have a recall bias.

We recognize several opportunities for hereafter enquiry. First, this study did not achieve saturation on characteristics of women that could have informed analysis including: age, parity, socioeconomic status, human relationship and gender of facility escort, and how a woman would narrate her (or her family's) relationship to or previous experience within a facility. Second, we did not interview providers, who could have shared a critical understanding of whether, how and why they engaged in disrespectful care or abuse. Providers in this context experience severe professional and personal constraints themselves, which can affect whether and how they collaborate with patients [45]. Defective adequate personnel and equipment, and working without payment in facilities that lack bones necessities, providers may laissez passer their frustrations on to their patients [9]. 3rd, we did not purposively identify and interview facility escorts (mothers, sisters, or in-laws who accompany women to facilities), who could have provided more extensive information well-nigh the periods preceding and during commitment, as several women had difficulty recalling the fourth dimension flow before, during and later commitment. Fourth, looking ahead, we recommend further research that can amend capture nuances and terminology related to quality of care and respectful motherhood care and following this nosotros recommend incorporation of questions related to quality of care into population-level surveys such as the Tanzania Demographic and Wellness Survey, which aims to assess barriers related to accessing wellness treat delivery.


Tanzania is not on the path to realizing MDG 5 [46]. Tanzania'due south health intendance organization is facing a critical dilemma as information technology tries to residue demands to increase facility deliveries, while too contending with severe staffing shortages and infrastructure constraints. The Regime must address constraints in facilities in lodge to improve the environment for providers delivering services and women receiving care. We recommend implementation enquiry on health system strengthening strategies that bolster the provision of respectful quality care by supporting synergies across provider preparation and supportive supervision, problem solving for health organization constraints, community and client awareness-building regarding patient rights and venues to seek redress, and the inclusion of escorts during labor and delivery could all be considered as opportunities to build trust in facilities. At present, many Tanzanian women experience highly unfavorable births in facilities, which may play a disquisitional role in the stagnation of facility-based births in recent decades, specially in rural areas. Respectful care is a vital component to addressing Millennium Development Goals to meliorate maternal health.


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This research was funded past USAID through the Health Research Challenge for Impact (HRCI) Cooperative Agreement (#GHS-A-00-09-00004-00). The National Institute of Mental Wellness of the National Institutes of Wellness supported co-author Shannon A. McMahon (Award F31MH095653). The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily stand for the official views of USAID, the National Institutes of Health or the Us Regime. We are grateful to Neal Brandes for his expert review and guidance during the drafting of this manuscript. The authors would like to thank the qualitative data collection team including: Amrad Charles, Emmanuel Massawe, Maurus Mpunga, Rozalia Mtaturo, and Zaina Sheweji; the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare including Neema Rusibamayila, Georgina Msemo, Helen Semu and Koheleth Winani; the MUHAS-based team consisting of Japhet Killewo (PI), Switbert Kamazima, Charles Kilewo, David Urassa, Aisha Omary, and Deogratias Maufi; the Jhpiego-Tanzania based squad consisting of Dunstan Bishanga, Maryjane Lacoste, Chrisostom Lipingu, Miriam Kombe; the Jhpiego-U.s. squad consisting of Eva Bazant, Elaine Charurat, Chelsea Cooper; and the JHSPH-based team consisting of Jennifer Applegate, Abdullah Baqui (PI), Carla Blauvelt, Jennifer Callaghan, Shivam Gupta, Amnesty LeFevre and Diwakar Mohan. We thank Giulia Besana, Marya Plotkin and Eva Bazant of Jhpiego for reviewing drafts of this publication. We thank the respondents who participated in this study.

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Correspondence to Shannon A McMahon.

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SAM contributed to study blueprint, engaged in data collection and data analysis, and drafted the manuscript. ASG contributed to the interpretation of data and revised the manuscript in a manner critical for intellectual content. JJC, IHM and RNM contributed to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data and provided edits to the manuscript. PJW contributed to study conception and blueprint, information collection, data assay and interpretation, and provided edits to the manuscript. All authors read and approved the terminal manuscript.

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McMahon, South.A., George, A.S., Chebet, J.J. et al. Experiences of and responses to disrespectful maternity care and corruption during childbirth; a qualitative study with women and men in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 14, 268 (2014).

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  • Maternal health
  • Abuse
  • Respectful maternity care
  • Tanzania
  • Male involvement
  • Childbirth


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