What is a Word for Someone Who is Easy to Get Along With

When someone questions everything, it can be exhausting to make plans with them. They might want to find answers to questions that no one is asking them! There are a few great words that we can use to describe these people, which this article will help you to understand.

What Do You Call Someone Who Questions Everything?

You could try out one of the following to see which one you think works best:

  • Skeptic
  • Doubting Thomas
  • Doubter
  • Truth-seeker
  • Cynical
  • Suspicious
  • Trust no one
  • Trust nothing
  • Seek the truth
  • Stay curious
Words For Someone Who Questions Everything

The preferred version is "skeptic." It works well to talk about someone who has a lot of doubts and often needs to question everything for their own peace of mind. Even once they have all the answers, they'll still look for things to question.


"Skeptic" works well to show that someone always doubts the truth. They have to do their own research and ask their own questions about everything to find out the truth behind a matter. This can be very annoying for the people in their lives.

The definition of "skeptic," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief."

Check out these examples if you want to see how it works:

  • He's far too skeptical about these things. Why can't he just accept that we're trying to help him and move past it?
  • You are a skeptic, and I appreciate that. It's still really annoying to hear you question my intentions all the time, though.
  • I think I'm the skeptic in this family. I can't trust a single one of them!

Doubting Thomas

"Doubting Thomas" is an idiomatic phrase we can use to describe someone who likes to question everything. It's somewhat old-fashioned and originates from a Biblical passage about a man named Thomas who did not believe Jesus had been resurrected.

Here are a couple of examples to help you understand this one:

  • You're nothing more than a doubting Thomas! It's no wonder that people can't come to you for advice anymore.
  • I don't want to be a doubting Thomas, but I really think we should consider all of our options before returning to them with an answer.
  • You shouldn't say stuff like that. People will label you as a doubting Thomas, and then you'll never get friends!


"Doubter" means that someone is quick to doubt other people. They will often use this doubt as a way to ask more questions. The questions can vary, though they almost always relate to whether they can trust someone's intentions or actions.

The definition of "doubter," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "someone who doubts."

Typically, doubters have very overactive imaginations. They often doubt because they want to find out the root cause of someone's actions or beliefs. It isn't always about mistrust, but it's common for doubters not to have many close friends.

Here are some examples to help you with it:

  • Do you have to be such a doubter all of the time? Why can't you just trust me for once?
  • She's a doubter, and she always finds a way to question whatever the teacher says! It even annoys me.
  • I don't think he realizes how annoying he is when he doubts everyone else. No one needs to ask that many questions!


"Truth-seeker" refers to somebody who will go to great lengths to find out their answers. If someone has presented them with a conundrum or problem, they will do everything they can to make sure they get to the truth.

"Truth-seekers" don't always have to mistrust those around them. Instead, they might just be inquisitive and curious minds who want to know why something is the way that it is.

They tend to do their own research on matters to help expand their own knowledge rather than to question the intention of others.

Here are a few ways you might use this one:

  • I'm a truth-seeker. Don't be upset if I don't believe you at first; I just like to find out the truth for myself before accepting anything!
  • That's really interesting to hear. As a truth-seeker, I'm going to clarify it by doing a quick online search to see what more I can learn.
  • He's a truth-seeker. I do love him, but he always has to try and learn the truth about little tidbits of information I give him, and it frustrates me!


"Cynical" is another one-word choice we might use. It shows that people often need to question the intentions of others because they generally do not accept that people are kind and trusting.

The definition of "cynical," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "not trusting or respecting the goodness of other people and their actions, but believing that people are interested only in themselves."

Cynicism is a very negative character trait. Often, cynics will believe that everyone else is in it for themselves, meaning that selflessness cannot exist, and no one does anything without a special reward.

Here are some examples to show you how to use this one:

  • You're far too cynical. If you ever want to fall in love with someone someday, you need to change your attitude toward other people.
  • I don't want to be the cynical one in the group, but how do we know that we can trust a word they're saying?
  • They shouldn't be so cynical. There aren't many people out there who are comfortable answering that many awkward questions!


"Suspicious" is another great word we can use to show that someone never accepts something without question. Often, they doubt other people's intentions or motives, which leads them to question why they did those things in the first place.

The definition of "suspicious," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "feeling doubt or no trust in someone or something."

Check out some of these examples to help you with this one:

  • He's far too suspicious for my liking. I couldn't possibly see myself having a future with him!
  • You don't need to be so suspicious all the time, Matt! We're not trying to hurt you, and we're not trying to cause you any problems!
  • I didn't mean to sound so suspicious asking that question. I do trust you; I just need to know what the plan is.

Trust No One

"Trust no one" works to show that someone lives by certain rules. In this case, they cannot trust other people, which means they will always question the things that people do or say. These people can be very difficult to be friendly toward.

Here are a couple of ways you might be able to use this one:

  • I really encourage you to trust no one. You never know when someone is going to try and take advantage of you, kid.
  • Trust no one. Do you hear me? No one. Not one single person has your interests in mind!
  • You should trust no one. I've been scorned one too many times, and I won't let it happen to my children!

Trust Nothing

"Trust nothing" is similar to the mantra from above. We can use it to show that someone has no "trust" in them. It means they will not believe things that people say, and they will often ask difficult questions to try and figure out motives.

Some of these examples might help you with it:

  • Remember to trust nothing in this world. It's a cruel place, and it will swallow you whole if you're not careful.
  • I trust nothing. That's the best way to avoid getting into trouble at any point!
  • You should trust nothing. Always find a way to question the things that people are telling you!

Seek The Truth

"Seek the truth" works well to remind someone that they should always question things. If they do not believe that something is true or right, they often question it until they have discovered the "truth" behind the original statement.

Check out these examples to see what we mean:

  • I demand that you seek the truth in these matters next time. Then you won't be taken for as much of a fool.
  • She always tries to seek the truth. It's exhausting when you're trying to come up with a simple plan together!
  • I don't mean to seek the truth all the time. However, I can't trust anything people say to me these days.

Stay Curious

Finally, we can use the "stay curious" mantra to talk about these kinds of people. They often use the exclamation "stay curious" to remind themselves that you must always question things without accepting anything until you are certain it is the truth.

Here are a few examples to help you with this one:

  • He always likes to stay curious. It really makes it challenging to be his friend sometimes.
  • Remember to stay curious out there, son! You won't want to be caught off-guard by any false people!
  • Stay curious! That's how I always live my life, and it has yet to fail me in everything I do!

You may also like: 11 Words For Someone Who Asks A Lot Of Questions


Source: https://grammarhow.com/words-for-someone-who-questions-everything/

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