what are the special needs relevant to domestic violence victims

etr A lot of women are victims of violence at home.

Violence at home means
when a partner or a family member hurts you
or treats you desperately.

Women with disabilities are often the victims of violence
at dwelling.

For women with disabilities it is more difficult to go away course the person that treats them badly.

This is because the person often gives them care.

It is also difficult for women with disabilities to get help. This is because the women shelters are not adapted to their disabilities.

Sometimes people do not believe them.

Information technology is important that countries protect women
with disabilities from domestic violence.

November 25 marks the international solar day for the elimination of violence against women. Equally probably the most common form of violence against women, domestic violence has been put nether the spotlight in a number of places. Evidence has reported that an average of i woman is killed every three days by her partner and one incident of domestic violence is reported every minute to the constabulary. Proof has also revealed that women with disabilities are twice as probable to be victims of domestic violence equally other women.

In Europe, i in five women will or has already experienced domestic violence. For women with disabilities this effigy doubles. One in 2 women with a disability has been or will be victim of domestic violence and abuse at least once in her lifetime, exist information technology on the hands of their partners, family unit, or carer. Some of the experience of women with disabilities toward domestic violence follows the traditional definition of the term such as physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, but a wide office of it also takes unique and complex forms related to their disabilities. These include neglect, overdosing or withholding medication, stealing money, immobilization, financial abuse and denying necessary equipment or care.

Domestic abuse is rarely a one-off incident, and should instead be seen every bit a design of calumniating and controlling behaviour through which the abuser seeks power over their victim. Typically the corruption involves a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviour, which tends to get worse over time.

In cases of abuse and violence against women with disabilities in that location is a agonizing ease with which power and control tin be exerted as the abuser often non simply has concrete reward but likewise a psychological ane. Women with disabilities are more probable to depend on their abusers for food, personal care services, health care support and other vital roles. For this reasons many victims feel similar they have no one else to plow to.

B arriers and obstacles to support

Barriers and obstacles, be they physical or attitudinal, get in harder for abused women with disabilities to exit or go support. Escaping an abuser tin can mean leaving home or a care facility, sometimes with no alternative in where to live or get intendance. Programmes that serve domestic violence victims are often non equipped or trained to offering proper care to disabled victims. Women's refuges are rarely able to come across special needs and evidence has shown that some women accept preferred to return to an abusive home after finding life in a refuge too difficult. Over these practical difficulties, simply being believed when reporting the corruption can be a hurdle for women with disabilities. Common experiences reported by women with disabilities include issues ranging from no-one believing their story to the absenteeism of accessible transport to enable women to leave tearing situations. Because of this lack of available support women with disabilities are probable to endure abuse for a much longer flow of time than others.

The impact of domestic violence on women with disabilities is very profound, as there is often very little support when they seek help. The range of responses women with disabilities written report include depression, anxiety, self-blame, shame, depression self-esteem, and self-impairment.

A Human being Rights issue

Domestic violence is an abuse of human being rights. The claiming lies in ensuring that human rights law is used to its total potential in contributing to the move to gainsay domestic violence, be information technology regarding all women or specifically regarding women with disabilities.

At European level domestic violence is considered a clear violation of several of the rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights such equally the right to life (Commodity ii); the correct to be gratuitous from torture or inhuman or degrading treatment (Commodity 3); the right to respect for individual and family unit life (Commodity 8); and the prohibition of bigotry (Commodity 14). One of the well-nigh recent developments in the surface area of human rights law and domestic violence is the adoption by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in April 2011.

Although the UN Convention on the Emptying of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) does not explicitly mention domestic violence, the CEDAW Committee has nevertheless interpreted the Convention'south provisions in such a manner then as to bring this effect within its scope.  Moreover the Un human rights bodies have made a wide range of statements on the issue of domestic violence and have thus placed a broad range of obligations on states regarding this area.  The provisions of the Convention are comprehensive in nature, encompassing not only criminal justice responses, but too areas such equally raising awareness and the provision of social support measures to victims.

In cases of domestic violence on women with disabilities the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities can be used directly as its Article 16 on the freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse relates to domestic violence and carer abuse experienced by people (predominantly women) living with disabilities. Though, it believed that the use of both the CRPD and the CEDAW in a holistic and complementary mode should be able to bring improve protection for women with disabilities equally discrimination is based both on gender and inability.

What can be done?

Women with disabilities have the same correct to live safe from violence and free from fear every bit other women. It is important for women with disabilities to be informed nigh the subject matter in order to be able to recognise an abusive situation. It is likewise crucial to know whom to plow to. In parallel, services must exist prepared to encounter the needs of women with disabilities, for them to be able respond to women with disabilities in the aforementioned way they would any other service user, and be prepared to utilise the police to protect women with disabilities from domestic violence.


Source: http://www.inclusion-europe.eu/domestic-violence-and-disability/

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