Best Shirts To Wear With A Grey Suit (2022 Men's Style Guide)

The grey suit is an essential addition to the modern homo'south wardrobe. Trendy and sophisticated, greyness suits requite guys the opportunity to change upwards their look and wear a color dissimilar than the classic black and navy. The challenge is deciding what shirt to wear with your greyness suit. Whether you have a light or dark grayness arrange, different shirt colors tin can impact your way. From black, blue and white to pinkish, purple and ruby-red, hither are the best shirt colors to wearable with a grayness conform. Bank check out these shirt and tie combinations to notice the perfect colors that go with your suit outfit.

What Shirts To Wear With A Grey Suit


  • 1 What Color Shirt To Wearable With A Gray Suit
  • 2 Grey Adjust and Shirt Combinations
    • two.ane Gray Accommodate / White Shirt
    • 2.ii Grey Suit / Blue Shirt
    • two.3 Grey Suit / Navy Shirt
    • 2.four Grey Adjust / Blackness Shirt
    • 2.5 Grey Conform / Pink Shirt
    • two.half-dozen Grey Suit / Purple Shirt
    • 2.7 Grey Adjust / Red Shirt
    • 2.viii Grey Accommodate / Printed Shirt
  • iii What Color Tie To Clothing With A Grey Arrange
  • 4 What Shirts To Vesture with a Grey Suit

What Colour Shirt To Vesture With A Grey Suit

Afterward a navy accommodate, a greyness suit is perhaps the most versatile formal attire you tin ain. A grey adjust is a bully fashion to build a modern look that tin can be dressed upward or down depending on the occasion. The right grayness suit, shirt and tie combination will look slap-up on you at piece of work as a business professional person or at your best friend's wedding ceremony. The grey adjust can exist worn with a variety of different shirts, and so the merely question becomes what color shirt should you wear with a grayness arrange?

What Color Shirt With A Grey Suit

Grey Suit and Shirt Combinations

Grey Adjust / White Shirt

A grey suit with a white shirt is the almost bones, timeless combination. A white dress shirt is a staple in every human being's closet and should exist your go-to when donning your grey suit. Lighter greys piece of work well with a white shirt to create a relaxed leap-time suiting aesthetic, while darker greys like gunmetal will brand the look more formal. Either way, wearing a white shirt underneath your grey suit will always be a winning await.

Grey Suit White Shirt

Grey Suit / Blue Shirt

A powder blue shirt with a grey suit volition maintain all the crisp manner of a white shirt while offering some visual involvement. Powder dejection will work well with lighter greys, and together they will create a cohesive sense of effulgence that is smashing for wearing your suit in the daytime. Blue shirts too requite you more room to play with your tie and accessories. You can use different shades in your tie and pocket square to pull the entire look together. This mode also works peculiarly well with lightly tanned leather, so exist on the lookout for natural leather accents to add together to this await.

Grey Suit Blue Shirt

Grey Suit / Navy Shirt

Whereas light blue shirts pair well with lighter gray suits, guys should wear a navy shirt to complement night grayness suits. A darker suit paired with a night blue or navy shirt is more formal and lends itself well to being paired with black shoes. Dark blue and navy are non limited to dark grayness; these dress shirt colors can also be worn with light grey. The look tends to exist more hit and less traditional, so wear information technology for occasions with less stringent apparel codes.

Grey Suit Navy Shirt

Grey Accommodate / Blackness Shirt

A grey suit with a black shirt is a very popular combination. This combination works specially well with slim suits for a modern aesthetic. A mid-gray suit with a blackness shirt and no tie plays well for nights out on the town. The black shirt may expect out of place with a very light grey adapt, and so accept care to effort them on together before wearing them out so that your outfit appears cohesive.

Grey Suit Black Shirt

Grayness Suit / Pink Shirt

While it sounds daunting, wearing a pink shirt with a grey suit is quite easy. Light pinks work very well with grayness suits. Pull in some blue accents in the necktie and pocket square for an easy modern look that borrows from traditional suiting. Add a pair of cordovan dress shoes with subtle maroon hues to pull everything together. Make sure the shade of the pinkish works well with your pare tone to avert having the color brand yous appear pale and washed out.

Grey Suit Pink Shirt

Grey Suit / Imperial Shirt

Similar pink, a purple shirt with a grey suit sounds more than intimidating than it is. Look to lavander tones for a surprisingly versatile look. Acme this look off with deeper purples in the details. Solid dark purple shirts tin come off besides loudly, and so approach these with circumspection when looking to accent your greyness suit.

Grey Suit Purple Shirt

Grey Suit / Cherry-red Shirt

Red shirts can exist worn with grey suits, every bit long equally the ruddy is not overpowering. A solid vibrant red shirt may look more than at dwelling house at your high schoolhouse prom that in mod formal affairs. Instead, look for more muted tones or patterned reds that will play off the grey in your suit. Try faded reds with a light grey linen suit for a tropical take. A red gingham shirt is timeless and volition work fantastically under your light grayness suit the next time you attend an outdoor wedding.

Grey Suit Red Shirt

Grey Suit / Printed Shirt

Patterned shirts are a great way to break up solid colored shirts and add visual involvement to your outfit. Don't exist agape of patterns; they are a mainstay of men'south suiting because they work so well. Depending on the type, a patterned shirt can either make your outfit more or less formal.

For example, a archetype blueish and white striped shirt looks peachy with any grey adapt. A French collared shirt, in which the collar is white while the shirt is patterned, typically looks best with more formal outfits.

Wide check prints, plaids, or floral patterns are great choices but can brand your adjust slightly less formal. Employ this to your advantage to dress your grey accommodate downwardly when needed. Try a shirt with a very fine dotted or floral print that will look solid at a distance but will surprise people upwardly close.

Grey Suit Striped Printed Shirt

What Color Tie To Wear With A Grey Suit

The color of your tie should ultimately be decided by what colour shirt you lot are wearing, but there are a few guidelines to assistance you decide what color tie to wear with your grey suit. Try to echo the tones of your grayness suit and shirt to tie your await together. The well-nigh popular necktie colors with a grey accommodate include blackness, navy, blue, grayness and ruby. Which color y'all choose for your shirt and tie combination is adamant past the occasion, your personal fashion, and the shade of your suit.

For instance, if yous have a mid-greyness conform paired with a powder blue shirt, add a deep blueish or navy tie. With a pink shirt and greyness arrange, experiment with a tie that has a red stripe in information technology to accentuate the pink in your shirt.

A classic expect is a grey tie that matches your suit with a white shirt. Pair that with a white pocket square and yous have a timeless await that comes across understated and expertly elegant. Of course, you can wear a blackness or navy necktie with a white shirt and achieve a winning look every fourth dimension. If you're looking to make more than of a argument, attempt a power tie in red tones.

What Color Tie To Wear With A Grey Suit

What Shirts To Habiliment with a Grey Suit

  • For formal attire, apparel upwardly with a blackness or white shirt to style a precipitous, classy expect.
  • For a archetype men's way you lot can wear universally and look good, choose a white shirt with your grey suit.
  • A light blue shirt works well in the summer to create a modern preppy mode.
  • Dark color shirts offer contrast and work to deepen the tone of your gray conform.
  • Light color shirts volition brighten up your arrange grey accommodate.
  • A patterned or striped shirt tin transform a traditional grey adapt into a bold look.
  • Your necktie color can enhance your manner so pick the right shirt and tie combination to match your suit.


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